Some plugins do not spin through the manager in automatic mode. A message appears that the package checksum does not match the value from the repository. After some time, the plugin may or may not load. This situation is repeated on different machines with different Internet connections on different versions of the 8th branch.
Be more specific.
Usage of checksums is to guard against accidental bit flipping to tampering protection. If you have this with multiple plugins, then my first guess would be that your own PC is infected with some kind of malware.
This happens on different machines in different places with different frequency. Similar behavior occurs if the plugin is already installed but a new version appears and you click update. Win 10 , ubuntu
Which plugins? (Names, versions)
Where do they come from?
Do they have the same or different faulty checksums?
I have not seen a faulty checksum on a plugin yet, but I do not use them much either, so my experience here is limited.
Some services could be rate-limiting, so they’ll give you the rate limiting message instead of the actual file.
Try opening the plugin archive’s URL in a web browser next time to see if it’s ok.