Load netlist not showing up

When i click the load netlist button, this shows up and theres no way to load netlist. Any help will be appreciated.

What do you mean? The netlist has been loaded already, it’s the file named in the “Netlist file” text box. If you need to apply the changes to the layout, click Update PCB.

If you didn’t know it already, using eeschema -> pcbnew netlist isn’t the recommended way to update the PCB. There’s Tools -> Update PCB from Schematic for that in v5 and later. Or do you need to do something else?

The PCBnew layout is still blank. Since they are already loaded, why wouldn’t they show up in the layout?

What did you do after the screenshot of your first post?

Did you click on the Update PCB button?
At the moment you see that screen, nothing has been changed yet.
The messages in the Changes To Be Applied message box, are changes that will be applied only if you accept the dialog. If you just close the window, nothing is updated.

Working with separate netlists is also deprecated for several years now.
The recommended method is Eeschema / Tools / Update PCB from Schematic [F8]. The netlist interface is retained for interfacing with external tools.

Hi, thanks for your response. I used the recommended method of accessing it through tools and updated the PCB but nothing shows up still

I suspected some problem with the footprints, but according to your screenshot, the footprints are found and should be placed on the PCB.

A “LED_SMD:LED_0201_0603Metric_Pad0.64x0.40mm_Handsolder” footprint is very small though. Maybe you can see them when you zoom in with the scroll wheel.
Normally KiCad imports the footprints and attaches them to the mouse cursor, and you have to click somewhere on the drawing area to place them.

Yet another possibility is that you have accidentally hidden the footprints.
The setting is in the Layers Manager on the Items tab.


This was exactly the case! Thank you so so much for your help! I’ve been stuck on this for a while.

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