LM338 libraries managment

I did not found lib entry for this component.
I went to SnapEda and downloaded the component zip file

It contains


I loaded them to the kicad libraries as per the published procedure

Problems are

3D viewer is fine for all components but LM338
LM338 appears with the three holes but the regulator is not there.

I went to delete the imported items and find it difficult.

Other info

When I try to reload kicad_mod file for this component the SELECT LIBRARY dialog box does not allow me to open it and select the needed file.
This same SELECT LIBRARY in symbol lib works normally in symbol loading and lets me select LM338.lib file.


Thanks for all your help,
Kind regards,

There is nothing special about an LM338.
I had a short peek at it’s datasheet, and it appears to be just a beefed up (5A) version of the LM317 in a regular TO220 package.

If I put an LM317_TO-220 in a schematic:

And then look at it’s properties in Eeschema:

Then you see it uses: Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-220-3_Vertical as it’s footrpint, and that footprint already has a 3D model of an TO220 attached, which you can simply re-use.

A common problem with 3rd part footprints and models is that the model is offset by a far enough from the board that you don’t see it

Thanks for both answers,

I know about the 317 or general TO-220 trick to solve the immediate project and go on. Thanks.

But I want to learn lib management and see why the Lib selector shows me the folder but not the inside files.

Is there a better source of *.lib and *.kicad_mod files better than SnapEdaor DigiKey, or tested libs that I coulduse ?

Thanks again

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