Live link with Eeschema<>Pcbnew

I’m migrating from Eagle to KiCad (an excellent tool). One thing I miss is the ability to click on a net or component in my schematic and see it highlighted in my board design. I was wondering if there is a similar feature to help me work between these two design spaces.

What version of kicad do you have? The highlight stuff has been added in v5. To activate it both pcb_new and eeschema need to be in highlight net mode. Then you can click on a net in eeschma or a trace in pcb_new and have it highlighted in both of them.

Thank you for the quick reply. I am running v5.0.0. Looking now for how to set these modes. (Edit: I found it. Thanks!)

Glad to hear it! How do you set the “highlight net mode” in v 5.0.0. ? How can you tell if it’s on or off ?

Right toolbar, one of the upermost buttons. It is highlighted when active

Thank you so much, Rene_Poschl. I love this “highlight net” feature.

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