List of unresolved bugs for a given release


I can’t find a general “Kicad” category, so I am aware this is an incorect category.

Background: We are planning to upgrade to Kicad 8.0.9. The supposition was a new major release (9.0.0 ) would tend to have a higher ratio of new bugs:fixed issues.

Prior to upgrading, one task is to search online for issues with 8.0.9. I can’t find a good way to search. I was wondering about looking at the 9.0.0 milestone ( However this would include fixes to beta versions of 9.0.0.

In short: What is a good way to find a list unresolved issues for a given release?

There is no 100% reliable way to automatically generate such a list.

My take on this task would be to use the gitlab search function with filter set for 8.0, and priority set to medium+high+critical. (see picture).
However, that list would not include v8-unresolved bugs which are fixed now in the meantime for the v9 release.

General question/advice: why do you want to update to v8.0.9 now?

  • if you are already working on the v8 branch than updating to v8.0.9 is a nobrainer (updating to minor release number normally introduces only bugfixes, very very very low risk of breaking something)
  • if you are still working with a older version (v7 and older) then the advice would be to wait 2…6 weeks until v9.0.1 (or v9.0.2) and just leapfrog v8.

You didn’t told from what version.
If you considering upgrade from 8.0.8 than I don’t understand word ‘planning’.
If from 7.0.11 then if V8 functionalities are interesting than I dont expect better than 8.0.9 will ever exist.

We are currently using Kicad 7.0.8.

“Planning” = We “plan to” upgrade /we would “like to” upgrade:
However - if we find that 8.0.9 has some known bugs that are unacceptable to us as a team, then we will not upgrade to 8.09.

I understand the word itself.
I only don’t understand if you were considering upgrade from 8.0.8 to 8.0.9 as there is nothing to be planned. But as you not - no subject. You just didn’t said from what version.

So I don’t understand why not 7.0.11.
Each last digit change means tens bugs fixed and 0 new features added. New bugs are mainly introduced when new features are added so when last digit changes there is extremely small risk in uprading. To be close to 100% safe I wait 2…3 days after last digit changes.
When first digit changes I wait few months looking how many bug complains at forum happens.

At this moment the most bug-free and modern version is 8.0.9.

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We are close to releasing 9.0.1, which currently has the first release candidate available - as v8 is no longer supported (outside of commercial support options), you may wish to hold off for a short while. 9.0.1 has fixed something like 150 bugs from 9.0.0, and has some significant feature improvements on v8.


rather 7.0.11 because it has fewer bugs as well as fewer new features. I noticed a trend that the more complex a program becomes, the more bugs appear, both new and old features break those unsolved problems from version 8 have migrated to 9, apparently the code is becoming more complex and there is not enough time and effort IMHO

If bug-free would be only concern than I bet 5.1.12 as bugs were fixed in it for 3 years.
But new features are helpful. I prefer V8 over V5. I don’t know yet how V9 will be better for me.
I even didn’t used 8.0.8 (and 8.0.9) yet as I just have few months break in PCB designing (busy with writing some simple application).

I tried gitlab. I cannot work out how to include more than one search term.

All problems not solved in branch 8 moved to branch 9

Click on empty space on the text area (on your blue arrow in the screenshot) and you should have the text cursor again.