[linux mint17] Failed to set temporary file permissions-Error 95

This error appears after I have installed Kicad, started a schematic project and tried to set a relative path to libraries via Preferences==>Component libraries.
This is the latest version and installed on Mint 17, everything fully up to date. Can someone provide a simple solution? An absolute path does not work either. Thanks.

Did you solve your problem?

Are you talking about Eeschema?

When exactly does the error message appear?

What happens when you answer “No” to “Do you want to use a relative path”? Is it the same error message?

What is the absolute path of the “…/user/share/kicad/library” directory? Did you create it?
If you created the directory, please you run this command then retry:
chmod -R 777 ../user/share/kicad/library

No solution yet, but Eeschema seems to work normally anyway. I receive the error message when I press OK from Preferences==>Component Libraries. I can’t remember whether relative path was used, I think not. The chmod command returns an error saying file or directory does not exist.

I am getting the same Error with Ubuntu 16.04.2. I downloaded a Library, unpacked it, and moved it to my network Drive, from where I access my Project. When I try to add this library, I get: “Failed to set temporary permissions (error 95:Operation not supported)”. When I login with ssh into my File-server and change permissions of this library with sudo chmod 777, the error message still appears.