Lines vs Arcs : Different Behavior for Color


Seen below is a line and two corner arcs:

The left arc and the line are both colored red, despite the arc appearing blue:


The arc has a note which states:

Note: individual item colors overridden in Preferences.


The use of Preferences might be antiquated:



however, under Kicad --> Settings --> Schematic Editor --> Colors,


The category Schematic text & graphics matches the color, and in the top-right, Override individual item colors applies.

Override individual item colors can be deselected and then applied with OK, but it reverts immediately to selected, likely because this is a part of the wDark theme.


  • Why does this behavior only apply to arcs and not lines?
  • Is there a means, with the theme still applied, to manually color arcs and other shapes?


Preferences > Colors > New Theme > name your new theme then OK will give you a new theme that is both able to be modified AND will start with the theme you are already using.
ie. It will give you a modifiable version of “wDark”.

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Thank you.

Are you able to explain why lines behave differently?

Working on that :smiley:

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Whoops —

:foot: :arrow_right: :lips:



Mine changes.

Note: I’m using my “new theme” version of wDark so there is no overriding warning.
I’m also using a different OS… Linux Mint.

You’ve tried this in your New Theme?

No, rather I wondered if lines not being considered individual items was a bug.

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There is something wrong somewhere.

No problem with personal version but the read-only has a problem.
I’m messing around with the Kicad classic (read only) to see if it differs also.

Yeah, looks like a bug.

This problem is only in arcs, and only in the "wDark (Schematic-only)(read-only).

Kicad default & classic and the wDark (when copied to a personal scheme) are all OK.

Well spotted. :smiley:

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