Library Symbol and footprint

I am new in pcb design.I want 12 pin pmod connectors symbol and footprint.Where can i get that library?

Please show an example of a Pmod connector.

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Windows,Kicad 8.0 Version.
I atttached the pmod symbol photo.

Thank you

For the Symbol, you can use a 12 pin connector from the “Connector” library. You will need a
Conn_01x12_Pin or Conn_01x12_Socket. Whichever mates with whatever is attached to the item being plugged in.

For the Footprint, the shape, pin formation, pin diameter and pin spacing will need to be known before a footprint can be found or made.

Ok Thank you for your response.

From the published “Pmod Interface Specification” :

4.0 Physical Connection Standard
Pmod connections are made using standard 100 mil spaced, 25 mil square, pin-header style connectors.

The peripheral module board will have a male connector. This will typically be a right-angle connector, at the board edge, for direct connection to a host board. . . . . .

. . . . . Six-pin and 12-pin I²C modules may have a six-pin or 12-pin female connector, centered on the board edge opposite the male connector. This will typically be a right-angle connector at the board edge and is intended to be used in daisy chaining.

The host board will typically have a 12-pin right angle female connector at the board edge for direct connection of peripheral module boards, however a straight female connector inboard from the board edge is also allowed. . . . .

So the “PMOD connector” seems to be a common pin-header - probably right-angle - with 0.1" (2.54mm) pitch. Footprints for these parts, in both thru-hole and SMD versions, are in the standard KiCAD libraries.
