Library prioritizing

Upon former version of Kicad, the priority in preferences (actually stored in the project .pro file) were meaningful. That means: inserting a new component via the search mask (e.g. “R”) returned the coincident component conforming to the priority.
However, versions that show up a dialog with closed library trees (actually I use 4.0.2 Ubuntu) have this tree presented alphabetically. When I hit “R” in the search field, the symbol from “device.lib” is shown as “selected” for insertion, rather than the symbol from “discrete.lib” that is put on top of the priority order in preferences.
Anybody run across the same difference in behaviour? Is it a bug? If so, I’ll create a bug report.

Was/Still working under BZR6403 on Windows 7 64bit, …x86_64.exe installer… what BZR is v4.0.2?

Oh. That’s a quite recent commit. Currently I’m running 6225. I’d suggest that the bug has been existent in between a limited range of commits. I’ll watch the developments.

I don’t know you mean that:
I start with a nice predefined ( list of libraries, in the order I want it. Those I use most often are on top.
But when accessing a library, the selected one is somehow internally set on top of the list.
Without changing the *.pro.

I don not like that.

This is my build, and I did not use another one before:
Application: kicad
Version: 4.0.1-stable release build
wxWidgets: Version 3.0.2 (debug,wchar_t,compiler with C++ ABI 1009,GCC 5.2.0,wx containers,compatible with 2.8)
Platform: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-bit edition, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSW
Boost version: 1.57.0