Library part missing in personal libs

Hi, Sorry if I am asking in the wrong place but I am new to Kicad.

I have a odd scenario happening after I have updated from version 7 to 8.0.4
If I use the add symbol in the schematic editor my libs which I have created show up as the lib number but only some of the parts are listed. however if I go to the symbol editor all the parts in the same lib are displayed.
If I right click on a part for an pervious schematic and edit the part with edit library symbol the all the part appear.
I have set my global path in preferences and double check these are correct and that my libs are in the folder in the documents folder. This all looks OK. I have also check the content of the lib files and all the entries are listed.

But add symbol does not list the contents of the lib.

Is this a bug or have missed something. Any ideas please.

Many thanks

If you press a to add a symbol in the schematic editor, then the next keypress (if you wait a second or two) will end up in the search bar, and KiCad limits the results to symbols fitting with the search function. Are you sure this search box is empty?

Thank you. The entire is not empty but the majority are not listed. But as I said the symbol editor lists all the lib entries.

What does this mean:

I guess you misunderstood.

It is this search box which has to be empty:

KiCad only lists libraries and symbols that match the search string, so at this moment I can not select any symbol, because there are no aaron symbols in any of my libraries. If this search box (accidentally) has one or two letters, then a lot of the symbols get hidden, but you likely still see some.

When you upgrade rom 7 to 8, you need to set the lllibrary paths to your personal libraries again.
Either directly in the libraries, or in Preferences → Configure paths…

Please always list your OS.

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If the paths are wrong, he could not see the libraries and their symbols in the schematic editor either. He does see the libraries themselves, and at least some symbols.

But it can’t hurt to check the paths. I wonder whether it’s possible that there is some older version of the library lingering around and KiCad gets confused by those libraries somehow, or he chooses symbols from another (and smaller / older) version of the library from the schematic editor.

The question is whether he’s seeing the libraries or the embedded symbols in the schematic.

Lib number?

So the libraries are visible, and some contents of it are visible. Further details are foggy.

And still waiting for the OS.
Not everyone is a Microsoft fanboi.

Thanks for your help.
I am using Windows 11 with Kicad 8.0.4. ( it just what I have I would rather use ubuntu but hey )

I have set up the paths variable under environment settings and checked the paths.
Also Set up the global setting for each lib I needed to add. and checked the paths. All OK
The libs are visible when I use the add symbol bottom in the editor but only four of the parts are listed.
When I use the symbol editor the Libs are listed as well as all the parts for the lib.
If I take a previous schematic and edit the lib symbol then all the parts in the lib are visible

So it seems that the only place the parts are not being disapplied is when I use add symbol button in the schematic editor.

I hope that helps clarify things.


Maybe you meant displayed?

I do not know the cause of your problem. Apart from the search box, the only thing I can think of is that you are looking at different libraries. Maybe one of the paths is spelled slightly different or points to a different location. Typo errors like this are easy to make when you do maintenance on your libraries. I just verified that KiCad does not let you create two libraries with the same nickname. But nicknames are case sensitive and small differences like a space or an underscore are happily accepted by KiCad, but easily overlooked by humans.

Yes, sorry,
It is a bit odd this is happening. Thanks for your help.

Hi, I have checked all the filenames, paths in the Schematic editor, and symbol editor and the main page. All looks correct.
I am getting a strange results.
If I open a project from version 7 it all opens fine.
In version 8 I then choose a part on the schematic and edit the library symbol ( not the local one ).
All the parts in the library are displayed.
If I search for another part then OK,
BUT, when I search in the lib I have just looked in I only get three parts listed.
So sometimes I get all the parts then others I get only three. I have checked the lib file with notepad++ and the structure looks OK and all the parts are in the file. I did not save the lib file from notepad++ as this could change things and I do not want to add anymore variables.

Here are the screenshots.
This is using add part button in the schematic editor.

next screenshot of using edit symbol

‘from’ means:

  1. ‘project coming from’,
  2. ‘project opened from’.

If 1. - you have only V8 installed - no problem.
If 2. - it looks you have V7 and V8 versions so you can have two library sets and they can have the same library names and symbol names inside them.


As I mentioned before, when you have text in the search string, it only shows symbols which have that string in their properties or keywords.

Can you show a screenshot of the Choose Symbol dialog after removing that search string and then scrolling down to show the content of the SSL_IC Library?

Also, if you make a small test project, and then include that library as a project specific library and upload that project, then we have some common reference to do some tests with.

Part shows up when no search string is used. I used add symbol button in the Schematic editor,

After experimenting a bit more. It does look like the search is the thing that has changed. Before in version 7 I could type SSL to take me to my libs and the parts would be listed. But if I now just scroll down and find them all the parts a visible.
The interesting thing is that the term SSL is not in the part text and has never been so. So why would this only show three parts.

From all I can see this is simply as designed. When you search for things, then all the other things that do not conform to the search string not shown.

When the search bar is empty, the standard “device” library shows lots of symbols:

When I search for “small” then the device library shows a lot less symbols:

Note that it also shows symbols that do not have the search string in their name, but also symbols which have this (sub) string in their description or keywords fields.

Many thanks. At least I can use version 8 now.

Just for information this is Version 7 screenshot with SSL search. It finds the lib with SSL and lists the parts.