Library location unknown

Hi, I am having a problem with assigning footprints. I got it right at one stage but needed to go back again to change several footprints. I know I had considerable difficulty the first time to get the footprints shown in assign footprints window but I must have done something right because I eventually got them shown in that window.
Now I am getting filtered by library 12797 and ‘library location unknown’. Can anybody tell me how to fix this? Some obscure solution on the internet about not picking the first library but pick any other library. There is no list of libraries to pick from.

Maybe worth a refresher course at: Kicad / Help / Beginners Guide to Kicad.

And for Personal Libraries there is the FAQ : Beginners Guide to Personal Libraries.

I have solved the problem. Parts of the instructions don’t work. When I selected a footprint before I would go to the bottom of the display where it says ‘attach,save and continue’. Apparently you were supposed to click on this and then the ok next to it. This never worked for saving the footprint. To warn others ignore this.
All you have to do is left, double click on your new footprint to see it displayed immediately. next to for instance your resistor with its value attached.
Spent a lot of time trying to fix this. Should get the authors to leave that bit out I have referred to.

Hi @petercl14

Could you please explain where these instructions are to be found.

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