Library import from Kicad bsr4022 to Kicad 4.0.7

Hi All,
any known metodologies to perform the porting of libraries created on Kicad bsr4022 to the newer release 4.0.7?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

Symbols Libraries from BZR4022 are valid for 4.0.7 directly.

If you want to make the conversion of footprints, you can do it one at a time with the footprint editor: File->Export footprint.

Or you can create a new empty project, load all the footprints from the old library and then select File->Archive footprints.

New Kicad versions can load legacy bzr4022 libraries seamlessly.

Version 4.0.7 is old now. Download and install v5.1.4

Assuming the old system was used with english language as the layer names were for some reason stored in translated form. (at least in the pcb file not sure how this was handled in footprints)

In the legacy footprint format the layers were specified by a number. Top layer was number 15 and bottom layer was number 0, for example. No problem at all with translations, just checked.

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