Legacy selection behavior during movement, editing, adding

As was pointed out before, sometimes when you move and place parts, they stay selected. Especially after you add a new part. And then when you focus on something else trying to move or edit completely different component somewhere else on the page, the selected one (maybe even not on the screen) says “nooo, you won’t”.

I understand that it was made for a newcomers who are familiar with other CADs. But what about those who has 10 years or more experience with legacy model, where mouse pointer had more priority, where you could move things by pointing on them without spamming Esc or left-clicking all over the place? I personally would be happy without constant fear of something was selected (by me, or by default) when i move or edit a part.

The other example. I click on the footprint to see the corresponding component on the schematic. Then i move it. And then it stays selected, messing up my consequent thought process with completely different part again and again :frowning:

I just found one more. I move the part, but not place it and press esc. It was not selected before. It becomes selected. For example! I’m trying to move resistor. I accidentally moving it’s designation text. I see it, i press esc, i point mouse on the resistor better, i press M, the text moves again.

New way the selection behaves disrupts previous experience and habits, that’s the main point. You feel like you’ve got it with a familiar tool, and constantly bumping into the changes.

Can we please have a checkbox in preferences to fallback to the old behavior? Like, if i hover over a part, while the other one is selected, it should prefer the hovered part instead :pleading_face: :pleading_face:

Or maybe checkbox to not select newly added parts and deselect single parts after moving/editing/adding regardless of if they were selected or not.

Thanks in advance.

I have been using KiCad through several versions…I think since at least 5.X

I cannot say that I have noticed a difference in behavior but I also cannot say that your are wrong. But:

Your description switches between “parts” and “footprints”. Please stick to “footprints” for the pcb or “symbols” for the schematic. I think you are discussing “footprints”.

If I am correct: Have you at least tried using the selection filter? I think that filtering for “footprints” alone ought to eliminate at least some of your complaint. ??

A coupe of things . . .

Can you tell us what version you are using . . .

Can you paste your version info here please, you can get it from KiCad > Help > About KiCad > Copy Version Info


And can you give us step by step instructions of how to reproduce one of these errors please. ? if we can confirm what you are seeing we might be able to help or confirm a bug.

my description concerns both eeschema and pcb editor. The only difference i’ve found it in eeschema if you add a symbol, it is selected, and in pcb editor it is not. And in eeschema cancelling movement does not lead to symbol be selected, but in pcb editor it does.

Selection filter? You mean the long left click? The issues are only with footprints and symbols alone. wires or tracks behave just fine. Footprints and symbols are selected when they weren’t in previous versions.

@RaptorUK there’s version

Application: KiCad PCB Editor x64 on x64

Version: 7.0.10, release build

wxWidgets 3.2.4
FreeType 2.12.1
HarfBuzz 8.2.1
FontConfig 2.14.2
libcurl/8.4.0-DEV Schannel zlib/1.3

Platform: Windows 10 (build 19045), 64-bit edition, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSW

Build Info:
Date: Dec 28 2023 21:18:15
wxWidgets: 3.2.4 (wchar_t,wx containers)
Boost: 1.83.0
OCC: 7.7.1
Curl: 8.4.0-DEV
ngspice: 41
Compiler: Visual C++ 1936 without C++ ABI

Build settings:

Regarding the steps.

In eeschema: press A, select any symbol, Enter, place it by left click. The symbol is selected. Same behavior with labels. (in pcb editor it is not which is fine).

In pcb editor: point at footprint, or footprint text, press M, press Esc. The footprint is selected. (if you don’t cancel movement and do leftclick, it is not selected which is fine).
And there are some other cases which i don’t understand how to reproduce, when by operating footprints they either stay selected where they shouldn’t or lose selection where i expected them to have it. When i find them i’ll post the steps

upd: just found another one inconsistency. In eeschema add a symbol. It is selected. Press ctrl+d (regardless if mouse is pointing to it or not). Nothing happens. Press again. It is duplicated, as expected. Something fishy is going on with that new selection model.
upd 1.5: even if newly added symbol deselected and then pointer is on it, duplication works only after the second time. Maybe that one is unrelated to the topic, idk

Can we please have a checkbox in preferences to fallback to the old behavior? Like, if i hover over a part, while the other one is selected, it should prefer the hovered part instead

I think you are 4 years to late with this. The change was deliberately made with the switch from v5–>v6.

Directly after the introduction of the new selection behaviour there were some complaints on the forum, but that has decreased over time. I guess most users have learned to live with the new selection behaviour.

Nevertheless you are free to open a gitlab issue for this (but don’t expect too much, I guess the decision some years back was not made lighthearted)

I didn’t used KiCad for few months so not sure of details.
I’ve just used to press Esc (and I curse every time) whenever I notice that something other is moving than what I wanted. There were no such problems with V5.
If remember well it happens to me mostly when I work with PCB and schematic opened together. I think it is even possible that you have a mouse at PCB and when try to move footprint the symbol at far away corner of another monitor starts to move what you can even not notice. For me it is not friendly UI behavior.

‘learned to live with’ - nicely said :slight_smile: .

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In PCB Editor

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thanks a lot! that solved part of the problems i had with incorrect selection. But unfortunately not all of them

for example i have to click on the empty space in pcb after clicking the checkbox

Using 8.09 I find a bit of excess difficulty to (for example) depart (create zone or track) modes for example and get back to normal select mode.

I find it a bit surprising that there was no default shortcut for “item select.” CTRL-S is “save” so I set CTRL-I for “item select” as a custom shortcut in the pcb editor. It works somewhat but it often still does not take me out of modes for drawing zones or tracks. This is an inconvenience but not a serious problem.

I do not know whether this is similar to your complaint.

I find the Sans Serif font to be a bit of an issue in this post because an “I” cannot be distinguished from an “l”. I prefer to use fonts such as Verdana. The above text looks like this when I use Verdana font: