LED_THT footprints missing

Hi. I’m working on a design, and need to add a 3mm led through hole footprint. However, it looks like my LED_THT folder is empty:

But my library folder, in Program Files\KiCad\7.0\share\kicad\footprints is not empty:

Does anybody know what could have happened? I do have other footprints for other components (i.e. LED_SMD)

Are both paths: this one:

and this one:

the same locations?


Check your footprint library settings. Those paths look different to me, pointing at a local private copy

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That’s weird, didn’t notice it. It does seem to be a project specific library, but I don’t know how or when did I add it:

I’ve deleted it and now it shows all the proper footprints. Thank you both.

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