Layout _______ to_______ pdf

When I make pdf from a track layout. In the pdf I see only thin lines. Is this a bug or do I someting wrong.
how can I solve this problem.!

How can I upload an image to this forum?

What steps are you taking? What’s your KiCad version?
Just checked, and Plot > PDF properly plots the tracks layout, keeping Zones and tracks thickness.
However when I prepare e.g. Assembly diagrams, I do export Gerber layers and print them to PDF using GERBV where I can manually set the layers order, intensity etc. to get best readability.

The KiCad version is 5.0.2
I was trying to make a pdf file trough “file” menu (file -> print). with this option is in de pdf file only a thin line visible for a track. Later trough plot a file, with de choice for Gerber, pdf or other. there is it going well.

I don’t see the PDF output on the Print dialog of PCBNEW. Maybe you do use some “PDF printer” Software?

Yes. with original Adobe Acrobat
File -> Print… Ctrl+P

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