Latest Nightly crashing

Hi folks,
I’ve playing around with nightly’s for some time now & like what see so far but I have a problem trying to run the latest ver. which I installed a few days ago.
When I launch kicad-nightly the main screen comes up as normal but when I try to select from File, Edit etc the program crashes. Funny enough though, if a launch eithe eeschema-nightly or pcbnew-nightly everything seems to work ok.

I’m running Kubuntu ver. 19.04,

I’m wondering if anyone else is having the same problem or is it my system?

Many thanks,

Yes, there is a small bug ( in the latest nightly that causes crashes when using menus in certain windows. It should be fixed once the patch is merged in.

Thanks for that info, I look forward to getting it fixed & getting back to playing with the nightly’s again


It has been merged, so it should be included in the next nightly.

Seems to be working perfectly now.


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