Labels to transer from Sch to PCB

Hey folks: quick question, I’m sure it’s easy and I’m just not seeing it. What sort of label do you use in Eeschema so that the same label will show up on PCBnew when you just want to label pins and make notes? I have several connector pins which will later go to a panel (the components of which are not on the schematic) and just want to annotate them, and have those notes transfer on to the pcb layout. I used local labels, but they aren’t showing up on the pcb, Is there a way to simply have text annotations transfer over?


PS- Back up your work, even when you don’t think you need to…my 1 1/2 year old iMac failed two weeks ago and fortunately a local computer place saved my desktop data, which is where months of kicad work was. I learned my lesson.

Now I realize that all of those notations ended up on the pads of the connector…so the info is there but invisible unless it’s really blown up. If there’s a way to have regular notations carry over I’m still interested.

In eeschema,
place the cursor on a wire
Use the ‘L’ key bring up the Label function
Enter txt (no spaces) and save the label.
The label needs to be attached to the wire.

In pcbnew, this will appear on the trace.

Is this what you were looking for?

You can indeed put labels in the schematic, and they show up as net names on both pins and tracks in Pcbnew, but I am not aware of an automated method to turn these net names into visible text.

The only method I know of is Pcbnew / Place / Text, and as the name suggests, that places just text strings on the PCB.

The only strings that get carried over from the schematic to visible text on the PCB are the RefDes and Value strings of the parts.

It could be hat there is some script that does it, but I’ve never tried to find such a script.

Possibly. I’ll give it a try.


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