Label increment

Using 8.0.1 on Windows 10.

I have the label increment set at 2 so I can insert odd number on one side of my connector.

I place a new label, hit insert and nothing happens. I hit it again and it increments the label +1 instead of +2. Am I doing something incorrectly? Does this happen to others? I do not think I had this issue with 8.0 but wouldn’t guarantee it.

I didn’t see anything in the bug reports but I want to want to make sure I’m not being boneheaded before I report anything.


The “first” INSERT is de-selecting the tool, so it should (seemingly) do nothing. Alternatively, you could hit ESC before INSERT.

However, I just tried an increment of 2 in 8.0.1 on Windows 10. It works as expected for me in both Schematic and Symbol editor.




Also with odd pin numbers. :slight_smile:

Looking at your picture I realized what I did - I was changing the Editing Options in the Symbol Editor menu instead of the Schematic Editor Menu (the reason your picture shows Horizontal pitch and mine does not).



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