L shaped PTH for SMD USB-C connector

I am trying to reproduce, perhaps unwisely, the exact footprint for a USB-C connector, Molex PN 2216100001.

Finally found and read through thread Create a custom shape hole after I had made the footprint. Though the thread was somewhat inconclusive and dated, I did close to what one of the suggestions was.

I draw everything in an MCAD program then import the geometry directly into the specific layer it’s need in. For the plated through hole pads, I made a polygons from the shape I imported on the F.Cu and B.Cu layer then dropped a small THT pad in the middle. With the pad selected I pressed (Ctrl+E) to enter pad edit mode, selected the two polygons and exited by pressing (Ctrl+E) again. To finish I imported the hole into the Edge.Cuts layer.

Everything looks good in the 3D viewer, but I learned recently the rendering is only representative and doesn’t always match the gerber output. I plan to generate the mfg outputs at some point, but where I work I only make the footprints and haven’t learned how - it’s on the list…

My questions are:

  1. Is this a good/acceptable method or is there a better way of doing it? (I realize I’ll need to contact the board house to make sure it’s interpreted correctly)
  2. Should this be a THT part since it has through hole pins? (Currently get a DRC error)
  3. If I change it to a THT part, does that eliminate it from the pick and place file?

Before I forget, I’m running version 8.0.5.

Thanks for the help in advance. My company is migrating over from an oooold 1998 Protel Version (wish there was a way to import schematics from it). Don’t understand how an electronics company can be operating on software that’s two decades old. We’ve purchased a pick and place machine and had a number of problems so I finally convinced the boss to upgrade - gotten a few bruises for that, but things are now working far better than they ever have. I’m usually the MCAD guy, but am excited to learn the program and hope to be able to contribute. Now I just need the time and energy.

If needed I’ll upload the footprint once I’m cleared of the new user status.

I would simply overlap two oval pads, with an oval slot in them.
I would leave the slot on the drill layer - the PCB house will know how to mill it. Moving it to edge cuts might cause other issues.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll do both then have my pcb designer send a sample of each to the pcb mfg and get their preference.

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