Knockout won't show on JLC

I noticed on JLCPCBs website when uploading my Gerber files the knockout box for text won’t appear, and it only seems to appear for text that was added from the “Add text” button, and not from the symbol.

The pictures below show as follows:

Portion from JLC:

My board:

Gerber settings:

Has anyone else had this issue before?

Load the Gerber you uploaded (i.e… open up the zip file and load that one) into the KiCad Gerber viewer; what does it show?


Short answer: the JLCPCB’s online viewer has been shown to be faulty many times and in many respects. It can’t be trusted. Luckily they don’t use it for production :slight_smile: . It’s only for your online previewing. Check with a couple of good, real gerber viewers and trust them.


I’ve had similar issues, in cases where I see a potential issue I mark the order as “Confirm Production file”, when they are ready I check the production ready Gerbers. If they are OK I approve them and they go into production.


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Yeah its strange, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t I think its more on JLCs part as I checked the Gerber files in Ki CAD directly and they looked fine.

The Gerbers on Ki CAD show the knockout, but not in JLC, though re-uploading the file today it seemed to work oddly enough

The real Gerber viewers work fine, I’ve gotten older boards sent out and the knockout wasn’t there, it seems to be inconsistent as sometimes its a problem and other times its not.

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