I’ve released the first usable version of KinJector. It has a command-line tool to inject parameters from a JSON or YAML-formatted file into a .kicad_pcb file and to create a JSON/YAML file with data extracted from a .kicad_pcb file. It’s also usable as a Python package for other scripts that want to manipulate a board in a PCBNEW plugin.
The currently-supported set of parameters can control the design rules, net classes, assignment of netclasses to particular nets, and (X,Y)/orientation/top-bottom-side position of part footprints.(I’ll be using it to inject net class assignments and part positions from SKiDL into PCBNEW.)
During the development of KinJector, I came across several other packages that help with manipulating KiCad files, so I opened a new category called “Plumbing” on the 3rd-Party Plugin page to record those.