KiExport - Manufacuring files generation automation tool based on KiCad CLI

KiExport is a small Python tool I created to automate the process of generating manufacturing files from KiCad PCB designs. It relies on the KiCad CLI. The tool is open-source and is available at GitHub - vishnumaiea/KiExport: Tool to export manufacturing files from KiCad PCB projects.

ChatGPT was used to speed up the development process. Hope someone find it useful.


Have you tried kibot?

Have you tried it under Windows ?

That’s just what I want to know. It works very well in linux at least.

From what I understand it doesn’t work under Windows natively . . . I had play with Docker but gave up, no step by step instructions and I couldn’t spend any more time trying to figure it out.

Havn’t tried that yet.

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