Message modified per @paulvdh suggestion for Preformatted text (below). Now I think everything shows correctly.
Is that “.config” with a period on the front or “config” without the period?
Try doing a directory listing:
Volume in drive C is Local Disk
Volume Serial Number is 0281-30FA
Directory of C:\Users\craig
03/14/2024 01:08 PM .
02/18/2024 07:39 PM …
12/07/2023 12:49 PM 10,816 .bash_history
07/17/2022 12:31 PM .cache
02/04/2024 02:05 PM .config
Notice the period in front of “config”. I notice in your listing above, extensions are hidden. You might try turning off hidden so you can see what’s going on in your file system.
When I run debug at level 3, the first line tells me where kicost is looking for the config file. Do you have file permissions set in your OS so kicost can read the config file?
C:\Users\craig\Desktop\kicad8>kicost --debug 3
DEBUG:Loading config from: C:\Users\craig\.config\kicost\config.yaml
(kicost -
You might also try forcing where KiCost looks for the config file with the options:
-c [CONFIG.YAML], --config [CONFIG.YAML]
Update: I read your post above where it shows
If you’ve verified your config file exists in this location (notice the period before “config”, in the path), and it’s readable, the only thing left I can think of is, does your config file follow the format described in the
config documentation?
There really isn’t anything else that can be wrong. Check these things -
carefully-. When I set mine up, I copied and pasted the documented config.yaml and modified from there.
Try running KiCost from its GUI by launching just “kicost” without any options from the command line.
Then if you still can’t find the issue, it might be worth a post in the KiCost github issue area asking for help.