We will have 2 days of KiCad talks, workshops and discussions with fellow KiCad professionals from all over Europe and beyond.
We have early-bird tickets for sale right now at https://kicon.kicad.org . We also have lots of opportunities for sponsorships, booths and community projects.
If you would like to speak at KiCon, now is your opportunity to submit a talk proposal. Expect to see talks by Wayne Stambaugh and the KiCad lead development team as well as a host of creative and clever KiCad engineers.
Made this a banner . It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.
If it might be an issue of finance, I’d be interested in making a small donation towards making sure things are recorded audibly and uploaded. I won’t be able to make it to the physical conference but found the last conferences videos very useful. I know the purpose of the donation is just semantics but it could be a nice incentive to have a target donation of X dollars to be able to afford whatever equipment/technician hire is needed.
I’ve booked my ticket!
Anyone from the UK going? Flying looks a little bit inconvenient, but do-able. Train also could be an option. Driving and doing a little road trip there would be awesome if other people wanted to share. I’m going to try stay longer and do a bit of remote working too for variety too.
I’m not going, but I’d love to see some video’s about the event afterwards. Topics I am especially interested in are the goals and direction of longer term development, and about previous and expected growth and adaptation “by the market” of KiCad.
@KevinB I will go and I even volunteered. This was confirmed and further information was announced. But despite sending 3 eMails during the last 4 weeks I got no response.
Seems it will be on very short notice (days?), if any.
I’m thinking about revoking my volunteer application.