(KiCADStepUp) The exported step model is about 2mm above board


I try to modify a step model using KiCADStepUp to fit for the footprint in KiCAD.

In KiCADStepUp, I found that every think is very well, which is shown in the below:

But when I export the step file and then load it in the KiCAD footprint editor, I found there is a gap about 2mm between 3d model and PCB:

HFKC.FCStd (151.1 KB)

HFKC.kicad_mod (2.6 KB)
HFKC.step (511.9 KB)

  1. do you link the exported model to the footprint (not the original model)?
  2. do you export the model using kSU button or with FC menu?
  3. in case of exporting with FC menu you may need to reset model placement using a kSU button.

I think this is because the user has set z=-1,91mm to the part object(COMPOUND008_cp009), IIRC setting z to the elements inside(COMPOUND008_cp001-8) will fix the export issue.

Oh I see, I need to use ‘export to KiCAD’ button instead.

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