KiCadStepUp issue loading tracks

I’ve loaded this board in the past, with FreeCAD/KiCadStepUp, though this time I always get the error
“name ‘holesB’ is not defined”
apparently interrupting the process on the bottom side tracks.
Any ideas?

could you please update kSU wb?
Recently I’ve improved some routines and I missed some user case…
fixing loading tracks

Actually, I updated it first, as I do each time I want to use it. Then, seeing the result, I tried stepping back to an older version from GitHub, but I’m not sure I did it right - sure enough, I didn’t even get the version I used last time with that PCB :person_shrugging:

Oh well… now that I re-updated kSU everything went smooth: I hope you did anything in the meanwhile, otherwise I have something very weird going on here :smile:

may be you had to update the Addons Manager cache …
I did my last update as in the above llink…
anway happy to see your problem went away :smiley:

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