I can’t figure out how to use the footprint wizard built into KiCad Footprint Editor.
When I launch it via “New footprint using the footprint wizard”, there are no parameters to fill in. Inside the wizard, “Select the wizard script to load and run” just brings up an empty list.
I’m using the RC for Windows, installed as an update from previous nightly builds.
Hi. I was having similar issues.
I copied the files from the link into C:\Program Files\KiCad\bin\scripting\plugins.
I am running Windows 7 64 bit professional.
KiCad is in its default location, and I have the latest build installed:26-09-15 BZR6224, Git b504252.
I open the footprint editor and click the wizard symbol, A new window opens and a blank small and large screen open.
Click the wizard symbol in the new window menu and a sub window opens asking what script you want to run.
Select the one you want, say S-DIP, and a socket appears and allows the pad size, pin count etc to be set. The only slight annoyance is that a message box “Footprint builder messages” sits in front of the window with details of the script running This can be moved but always remains on top and does not go until the wizard is closed, but it certainly does work for me.
Unfortunately I have now had to ditch this install as the print option was unpredictable at best and killed the result at worst.Even the pdf plots are now blank. The prints are portrait no matter what orientation is selected and the silk screen has all the pads printed.In the process I have also lost my library of modules so be careful when installing. Save your own libraries separately. The install overwrites all existing libraries!
I have reverted to the old 2013 version for now as that seems to work with no issues under windows.
All I have to do now is remake my library as the new files cannot be read by the earlier version!!!