Kicad6 Pads preventing route trackss

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I am ready to route my layout and am prevented from placing tracks between the pads in a BGA item. There is a finely defined circle around each pad which blocks my track. I cannot find any way to remove this circle.
Can anyone help?
Thanks Michael

There is a finely defined circle around each pad which blocks my track. I cannot find any way to remove this circle.

These circle is most probably the pad-clearance outline. The size of these circle depends on the clearance-value which itself depends on the pad-netclass.
All clearance-values can be set in the File–>board-setup. You have to check page “general constraints” and page “netclasses”. Additionally the netclass- clearances can be overridden with custom rules (also in board setup).

placing tracks between the pads in a BGA item …

Maybe starting first with a simpler project (for instance the kicad-tutorial) could also be a good idea? (Getting Started in KiCad | 6.0 | English | Documentation | KiCad)

Check pad clearance and tracks width. Don’t go below advised values by your board manufacturer.

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