I’m fairly new to PCB development but I have already run into several limitations and issues. Here is my wishlist:
Integrated BOM support where multiple part numbers can be listed, for example, if the primary part is back-ordered. Even better if this could tie into Digikey, Mouser, etc. It would be even better if it could use parts that are in stock
Support to panelize PCBs. I tried the GUI MONO/Windows application but couldn’t get anywhere. I hacked up the Panalyzer python script in order to support KiCad 5 (it mostly works as long as you don’t use some of the advanced flood features).
Support for curved traces. I’ve seen all the arguments about not needing them for RF, but they become important for flexible PCB boards.
Support for teardrop VIAs (also useful for flexible PCBs).
Better support for 3D models. I have found numerous footprints that point to non-existent WRL files (when .STEP files may be present).
Support for grabbing 3D models from SnapEDA. I have had a number of devices modeled for $0.99.
GIT integration. It would be very nice if GIT or version control could be integrated.
The ability to open multiple schematics for copy/paste.
Symbol and footprint integration could be better. For example, in the symbol editor properties there is no way to browse footprints when adding footprints to the footprint filter. Copy and paste doesn’t work either so I have to copy the footprint name someplace else (i.e. an editor) then copy and paste that into the footprint filter when adding a new footprint.
The ability to globally change footprints. This is easy enough to do in a text editor.