KiCAD v8.00

Hi Dev,

First off, I’m not in a position to use Kicad at the mo let alone able to upgrade to v8. But based on a quick YT video from ‘Psycogenic Technologies’ I’ve just watched can I just thank you to the Devs and any contributers to v8 for what looks like one of the most impressive improvements I’ve seen in any software let alone KiCAD. It really does look like a fantastic piece of software whuch has come of age and, I think, will finally put an end to my (best of intentioned) moaning about Kicad functionality and GUI. Looking forward to the time when I have a system able to run it and I get to finally use v8

Thanks guys :heart::heart::heart::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:


FTL talking :slight_smile: but very nice presentation.