Kicad v6 Nightly Error Loading non-kicad Schematic

When i import an altium schematic sometimes kicad collapsed and automatically close. i am using windows and i runned lastest version kicad as a below;

2021-09-23T20:10:02.067Z 1.0 GB kicad-msvc.r24355.671aec5da6-x86_64.exe

Best Regards.

Hi Muzaffaer Nizam

I this error reproducible?
Can you share the Altium Schematics where the crash happens?

Best regards

Hİ Stefan,
Yes, always reproducible.
Buzzer.SchDoc (45.5 KB) Display.SchDoc (94 KB) EXT_IO.SchDoc (28.5 KB) Flash.SchDoc (52.5 KB) MCU.SchDoc (92.5 KB) RF.SchDoc (69 KB) RotaryEncoder.SchDoc (191.5 KB)
Best Regards.

What does “sometimes” mean? I loaded one of your example files but there was no problem.

EDIT: you should also keep the nightly build up to date, this may be something which have been fixed within some days.

Hİ Stefan,
Yes, always reproducible.

I just downloaded all your Schematic and imported them into Eeschema and I didn’t got any crash.

My current Version:
Version: 5.99.0-unknown-5f3c67bd2b~134~ubuntu20.04.1

I am on Linux but you can download the same build for Windows here:

and there select r24427.5f3c67bd2b-x86_64.exe or r24427.5f3c67bd2b-x86_64-lite.exe (depending if you need the kicad library as well or not).

If there is a newer Build you will see it as well there.

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