KiCad V5 portable project / project archive - update

The old topic was closed so, because I wanted to pass on info to @MitjaN, I started this one.
In the README you state that “The plugin does not work with post 5.0.0 nightlies (most likely since around 20.7.2018)”. I thought I’d give it a go anyway to see what happened and, for the test project at least, it seems to work OK. I’m using KiCad Version: (5.0.2)-1, release build, running under Windows 10. This plugin was just what I was looking for so as soon as my ‘live’ project is ready I’ll try this out and update with the outcome.

This would be from here?

I think the Nightlies warning was for the GitHub Master branch, which will be 5.1.x for now.
Anything running with 5.0.0 should work with 5.0.2

This is correct. Plugin works with 5.0.x. The documentation should be more specific. Thanks for letting me know.

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Thank you for the clarification @davidsrsb. Obviously I have yet to learn how the numbering works here :blush:

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