KiCAD v5.0.1_1 (5.0.1-rc2) released

KiCAD v5.0.1_1 was released on 2018/10/14. Note that it “includes improved footprint, symbol, and 3D model libraries” and “This release contains several critical bug fixes so please consider upgrading as soon as possible.”

The 1GB download expands to nearly 5GB installed, and seems to install overtop the previous version without issue (tested on Win10.) Note that it seemed to replace every library file, meaning none were “orphaned” from the previous version, which is of course a good thing. Some footprints were not modified while most were, which is good news. Also note that a new fp-lib-table and sym-lib-table are included in /share/kicad/template.

Be sure to read the “Release Announcement” (linked from the original post).

Users who convert Eagle projects may be wise to postpone their upgrade until version 5.0.2, as discussed at The Next Release in 5.0.x Series (and the Developer’s Mailing List conversation linked from that post).



IMHO: in the title 5.0.1-rc2 might be a bit misleading here. rc as in release candidate doesn’t quite match. It’s a regular release.

Blame the packagers. Here is what my version info says after installing kicad-5.0.1_1-x86_64.exe:

Application: kicad
Version: (5.0.1)-rc2, release build
    wxWidgets 3.0.3
    libcurl/7.54.1 OpenSSL/1.0.2l zlib/1.2.11 libssh2/1.8.0 nghttp2/1.23.1 librtmp/2.3
Platform: Windows 8 (build 9200), 64-bit edition, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSW
Build Info:
    wxWidgets: 3.0.3 (wchar_t,wx containers,compatible with 2.8)
    Boost: 1.60.0
    OpenCASCADE Community Edition: 6.8.0
    Curl: 7.54.1
    Compiler: GCC 7.1.0 with C++ ABI 1011

Build settings:

I agree that this shouldn’t be an rc tag, but I guess we should be primed to recognize people referencing this build with the rc2 tag, so we shouldn’t berate them for parroting what they see on the screen.

I’m not going to blame them… I just wasn’t aware of that fact.

So be it.

And it’s also that the winbuild team knows this:

Another problem does seem to hold back ubuntu. Right now there is only an update for the libs available not for the software it self. More details see this mailing list message plus its follow ups: Not sure if other linux distros are also affected.

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Anyone happen to have some idea when 5.0.2 will be released?
It is rumored that 5.0.1 will be the shortest lived released; but how short I have not seen mention of.

I’m trying to manage the data limits that I have on the large KiCad version downloads.

@eelik speculated as short as one week at The Next Release in 5.0.x Series . The Developers’ Mailing List is probably the best source for clues.



I’ve been attempting to follow the DML.

The DML tends to track the next most important issue, not really the time of the next KiCad version release.

The discussion regarding 5.0.2 is in the 5.0.1 status thread. (You will need to read the messages by wayne. One of them talks about his prediction for 5.0.2)

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On Ubuntu 18.04:

After having upgraded (through the GUI “Software Updater”) last Tuesday (two days ago), this morning the Updater offered me a new KiCAD upgrade. The description shows:

Changes for kicad versions:
Installed version: 5.0.1-stable-201810121501+33cea8e~66~ubuntu18.04.1
Available version: 5.0.1-stable-201810170921+33cea8e~67~ubuntu18.04.1

I usually just trust whatever shows in there and upgrade (unless I have a reason to skip some particular upgrade(s)).

In this case, I’m rather curious and all information seems ambiguous — this thread talks about 5.0.1_1 (and presumably 5.0.1-rc2 is an alias?), released on 2018-10-14; but the 5.0.1 release page has that same date.

I guess I might as well just accept the upgrade.

Well, seems “kicad-5.0.1_3” was released also. Changes just keep rolling out…

Please note that if you are running Windows, there is might be a build system issue ( that will hopefully be fixed shortly.

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