KiCad to FreeCAD, vias are not showing up correctly

Hello, I am having an issue where my PCB design (which has through-vias) are not appearing when importing into FreeCAD. I am using the StepUp extension and am clicking the button to import the traces. I cannot upload the files due to the fact that I am a new user on the forum.

I leveled you up just in case so that you should be able to attach a file. However, it probably doesn’t help here because exporting to STEP from KiCad doesn’t support vias and importing to FreeCAD with StepUp doesn’t seem to support it, either. Vias are usually insignificant for the purpose of mechanical modeling, therefore it has not been implemented.

StepUp supports vias, but you need to configure it in the preferences.
Vias can be very intensive in STEP format size and can generate heavy or huge models when vias are for example thousands.

If you instead are looking for via connections in tracks loading, you need to have a look at fcad_pcb

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Do you know where I can find adding vias in preferences? What tab is it under, as I cannot seem to find it?

minimum drill size applied to PCB = -1
in ksu preference setting tab

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