KiCad (svg) export to create a stl for dlp exposure

I want to exposure my pcb with my elegoo saturn dlp printer.
For that, i need the layout in a stl format.
But i did not find a way to create one since the last days.
I exportet the pcb as svg. I can open that in inkscape and here
it shows ok. But if i open it in freecad or in blender (for the extude)
i see only small lines, not the right thickness.
What is the easiest and right way to export from kicad to a stl ?

I hope someone have these informations for me.
And please with open source tools, like freecad, inkscape, blender and so onā€¦
(No fusion 360 by example please)

Best regards,

You want to 3D print the board? Use FreeCAD with kicadStepUp workbench and import the board file into FreeCAD. Then you can export to STL.

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NO, i want to ā€˜printā€™ only the bottom copper Layer of the board.
Short description. I want to expose the photo positive base material with my
elegoo saturn dlp 3d printer. For that, i need the invers buttom copper layer
as a stl file for the 3d printer. With that stl i only want to expose for 50 seconds.
I can plot the neded image as svg from kicad.
In inkscape, the image is right. But how i can import the svg in blender or freecad
with the right sizes (not only lines) for extrude the ā€˜imageā€™ a few millimeters and export it
as an stl for the chitubox slicerā€¦

He has some workflows that you could adapt

Thank, i know this video.
But he is using Fusion360 for the convert path.
I can not use Fusion360ā€¦ So i need the conversion
with inkscape and freecad/blenderā€¦

StepUp can import ā€œtracksā€, too, which imports copper. You can select top/bottom tracks, zones, pads, and extrude them.

Thanks eelik for the info.
I installed the Freecad addon kicadStepUpMod

I can open the kicad pcb file in freecad, but i see only the 3d design of the pcb.
No copper/pads.
Can you tell me, how to load the copper layout with pads here ?
Or have you a source for this informations ?
youtube or website etcā€¦
I used file open dialog, then the kicad pcb file.
My design breaks with an
<class ā€˜Part.OCCErrorā€™>: Failed to create face from wire
Error. A other design opens, but only the board with the components.

I hope you can help me.

If you open the workbench, thereā€™s a button ā€œadd tracksā€ (it looks like a via, track and zone).

Currently thereā€™s a bug which places the pads in wrong locations, I just reported it:

@maui should be able to help with other things.

Update: if you need only the copper, you can use the ā€œadd tracksā€ function without a board. Then the locations seem to be correct.

Thanks, i have found it and it works great.
Thank you so much !

One problem i haveā€¦
When i use the add track function, it imports
the top AND bttom layerā€¦
How can i select only one of them ?

Update: I found itā€¦
I can simply aktivate/deactivate it in the modell viewā€¦

This/your way is so simple to do thatā€¦ Absolutly great !
You are my hero !

Ok, i have one more question :upside_down_face:

In Kicad i have text on the copper layers. But this text is
not in freecad, when i import the tracks. Is it possible to
also include the text ?

I switch the text to layer soldermask and import that as dxf.
This not fine, but it worksā€¦
But now i found a bigger problem.
I need the inverse of the ā€˜imageā€™ before i extrude it.
How i can invert the object ?
Did someone know that ?

Thanks for your help

Very funny.
This IS marketing and nothing else.
Re inventing the wheel.
The value of this messy equipment makes up easily for a lot of quick runs in any pcb house.

i donā€™t think so. The equipment is here, and it is much easier to
crate that stl and then expose the pcb directly on the dlp printer
with a much bigger resolution as create a foil with the laser printerā€¦
But anyone can do it however they wantā€¦

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