KiCad strange behavior when opening project files

WhatsApp Image 2025-03-04 at 15.54.58

I’ve scoured the entire internet looking for an answer, please help me find the reason for this behavior.
There are access rights to files, launch as administrator, exceptions are configured in the antivirus program.


I’ve tried a lot of instructions, and the ones in your link don’t work for me either. Deleting the “lck” files does not solve the problem. Even when opening demo projects, the problem still occurs. I updated VC, but it didn’t help either.

WINSERVER-2019 looks like a file server. Did you put the project on a network share? It’s not going to work if you, or somebody else, uses the project at the same time on another machine. Try putting your project in a local folder.

KiCad is installed on winServer2019, I connect as administrator via RDP, project files are locally on the same machine. Now I reinstalled KiCad, but the result is the same((((


I found out that KiCad does not want to work normally from the Administrator account. But I haven’t figured out how to make them work together yet. As a temporary solution I run as a regular user