KiCAD StepUp - Hole Size & Board Thickness?

I have only just discovered this add-on (its fantastic - saves hours of real (paper/scissors!) cut-n-paste.
However, I have two questions that I hope someone can answer:

  1. Having imported my KiCAD board (*/kicad_pcb) into FreeCAD, I would like to 3D print it so that I can check the registration of the modules I’d like to use. These modules will use pins into 1.0mm holes. However, due to the “elephant footprint” effect when printing, the resultant hole in the PLA is somewhat less than that required to permit the fitting of the pins. I then need to fettle the PLA board with a 1.0mm drill, opening them all up to allow the pins to fit! How can I globally change the pad hole size prior to 3D printing?

  2. Once the KiCAD board has been imported into FreeCAD, I note (in my case) it has a thicness of 1.6mm. Where is this set? Can I change it somewhere along the KiCAD to 3D print path?

Regards, Martin

For 2, it looks like Board Setup in the PCB editor is the place:

Missed that. Thank you.
Regards, M.

I don’t understand point 1.
Using 3D printer you want to print your PCB module to then manually check how it fits somewhere?

Oh… Sorry. Let me try again.
When I print my PCB module, the component “through holes” defined in KiCAD at 1.00mm result in a finished hole of ~0.5mm. This is understandable and predictable because the first layer tends to flow due to bed heating. My normal method of overcoming the problem is to provide a small chamfer around the hole edges. Unfortunately, this is not practicable in this situation.
Thus, my hope is that, I could globally (at import) change all the 1.00mm holes to (say) 2.00mm. Thus resulting in a 3D print with holes at or just above 1.00mm?
Regards, M.

I think I understand what you write but not understand what you are doing.
With PCB module:

  • I order PCB from PCB manufacturer and then assemble elements on it.

But you say:

  • I print my PCB module.

And from context it looks that you not print copper layer with laser printer and then thermo-transfer it on PCB but what you write have something to do with 3D printer.

I have never used 3D printer. I would suppose to print with it for example a case for the PCB module but it looks you print module itself.
Will it work printed that way?
I have hared about electronic circuits being printed (currently simple one, but in future…). Is it what you are doing?

No. Nothing so sophisticated!
This is a current “work in progress”:

I want to use a module for which there is no footprint - as in image. So, I create a Symbol and Footprint in KiCAD. Then, rather than wait for a PCB to come back from China - only to find a hole or two are misaligned (because I did not read my digital calipers correctly while drawing the KiCAD Footprint), I will print the “PCB” on my 3D printer and see if the module will fit.
Regards, M.

I could’t imagine what you are doing as I just believe my caliper (not digital one) :slight_smile:

I remember people writing here that they just export PCB as pdf and print it 1:1 on paper to than match the elements to the drawing to check if they fit. I see you moved that idea forward.
I have never done such checks as I think that caliper is more accurate than such check.

Regarding your question. I’m at home and not have KiCad V8 here. I think you can edit footprint at PCB not changing its origin in library. So I would suppose you should be able to correct hole size in one pad and then copy/paste pad parameters to some other pads.

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