KiCad StepUp color

Can you please let me know how to prevent a step file to loose it’s element colors when is manipulated with StepUp in FreeCAD?

prior X axis rotation:

after X axis rotation:


Could you please your KiCAD version, FreeCAD version and StepUp version ? With this information maybe @maui or anybody else could provide some light in the issue, otherwise it will be a guess game. …

FC changed some functions, so I also had to change kSU accordingly.
it should be fixed already with an up to date kSU release


ok, looks like there is a problem with the updates regarding the plugin manager in FC. For some reason did not update KSU to the latest version. The solution was to uninstall and reinstall the plugin in order to have the latest release.

Now everything is fine.

Thanks @maui

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