KiCad simulator/ emulator for PIC and other microcontrollers

This is a old simulation mine: a PIC read a I2C memory to display a graphical characters-line message (in the case “Written by Hildo …”). The software also allowed me to simulate timer IC and LM35 to read temperature.
This was a graphical message panel made with led-dots.

Hi @Arak_Rachael I am the developer of PICSimLab.

PICSimLab aims to simulate real boards and peripherals. Right in a real circuit you have to put LED’s, oscilloscope or signal analyzer connected to the pins to be able to see their states. The spare parts window allows you to assemble custom circuits and for example to place LEDs on all pins or use the VCD Dump part to analyze the signals with gtkwave. The oscilloscope window allows you to see two signals in real time. There are several examples at

The simulator does not replace a real microcontroller, but allows more flexibility to analyze the code. For example with PICSimLab it is possible to debug the code of a PIC16F628 or Arduino uno with ATMEGA328P in MPLABX, microcontrollers which normally does not have a debug interface in the real device.

I have been a user for many years of Kicad, since the first versions. Kicad has improved a lot lately, as a user I am very happy. I plan to make an option to export PICSimLab circuits mounted on the spare parts window directly to a Kicad schematic. A converter from Kicad to PICSimLab would be the second step. I haven’t started this support yet because the Kicad schematic format will change in the next version (6.0).

It is possible to convert PICSimLab components into a library (dll), but using the Eeschema interface for interaction should not be a simple task.

Any questions or suggestions about PICSimLab I am available.
If any Kicad developers are interested in integrating with PICSimLab please get in touch.

PS. I never earned a penny with PICSimLab, I develop in my little free time.

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I talked to the program developer.
His newer version of the program is on a different website.



More on mixed signal simulation including ngspice
(updated to ngspice-36) or