KiCad Plot - Hyperlinked Labels in PDF

Hello Folks!

I am trying to plot the schematics to PDF, I am getting a pdf output that is quite good.

It has bookmarks of each page and then you have all components on that page which are clickable.
even you can click on any component, and you will get reference, value, footprint etc. info.

My question is how I can create a pdf that has hyperlinked labels as well, for example if I click on a label it jumps to other page where the label is connected.

This is done in Orcad easily, but I am not sure if this option is available in KiCad?

your opinions in this would be great.

Thanks, and best regards


To my knowledge there is no way to do that, though if you are using hierarchical sheets, clicking on the sheet should bring you to the relevant page. [Feature request] eeschema: plot to pdf should linkify hierarchical elements (#12155) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab

You certainly can make a feature request on Gitlab (the easiest way is KiCad > About KiCad > Report a bug). I’m curious though, how does Orcard handle multiple labels of the same name? Does this only apply to hierarchical labels? Does it just not link local labels with more than two occurrences?

Hi, Scandey,

Thank you for the response, with OrCAD you can click on any label (global) it will take you to other instance, on same sheet or different sheet, then click again on the same label on other instance it will take you to another, it works same as find (ctrl+f) until it reaches end, but you don’t have to do it conventional way, just click on label and hop.

Sounds like a fun feature! If you make a feature request, please link it here and I’d happily give it a thumbs up.

Sure thing, I will make the request and will attach here.