Kicad on OSX 11 Big Sur-Doesn't work

Sad… the company itself, once established by anti-corporate rebels fighting the “Big blue” (see 1984 ad), now became exactly what they fought against - only worse.
And so not only they take client’s top dollars for their gadgets, they also steal privacy.

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I have no idea what you mean by that, even after seeing the ad
The ad was made 2 years after and home computers were a very colorful market in that era.

There have been IBM clones from almost the day of the first PC.
The fruit brand has always made a big point of being incompatible with the rest of the world. Things like just tweaking connectors and video signals enough so they don’t fit with the rest of the world. Bluntly refusing to put an EU mandated standard charging connector on their phone, (I still don’t know how they got away with that) I don’t know what kind of critters they ad to their hardware these days, but I assume they’ve given up on the idea that a mouse with one button is enough.

The fruit brand has always had world dominance and extracting as much money as possible from it’s users as it’s goal. Once they made a “mistake” in giving out a license to another company to make compatible hardware. There are lots of hints of their policy, and I do not understand why their users keep on ignoring this.

I’m trying hard to moderate my own rant here, and still think it probably will get flagged. It’s also quickly derailing this thread now.

I mean in the “anarchy 70s\early 80s” when Jobs and Wozniak were spreading FUD about the domination of the “BIG BLUE” (=IBM).
The “1984” ad idea was to protest against lack of freedom.

Watch , start at 3:14

No, don’t skip the first tree minutes. IBM also got a very tainted history, especially if you go back further. From the Hollerith census machine in 1889 to smuggling hardware & knowledge to Germany in the 2nd world war.

No it was not. As I wrote before. IBM has never (maybe briefly) had a dominance in the PC wold. Compaq started making clones in 1982. and even in the video you linked it is already mentioned that the IBM clones were on the market (@ 7:28). The whole ad was FUD from apple carefully designed to present a bleak world that was not there, and then show themselves as the solution, and at the same time hiding their own plans for “1984” with them at the top.

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Too bad the one potentially viable alternative to Apple and the Wintel consortium, the Commodore Amiga, has long since fallen by the wayside.

It was clearly an Amiga user who long ago quipped:
“IBM = Inferior But Marketable / MAC = Marginally Acceptable Computer”

Apologies to the OP for further derailing this thread… but it may be best to wait for the macOS 11.1 update to be released (Apple hasn’t called it OS X since 2016, by the way).

I’ve a brand new Mac mini waiting in the wings, but Big Sur 11.0 and 11.0.1 were just too buggy, so I’ve rolled back to my 2012 Mac mini and macOS Catalina 10.15.7.

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SOLVED: At least for me…

After having the same issues (missing libraries although installed in System AND User Paths) I decided to uninstall eveything. Refer to the ReadMe where files and Folders are and delete if possible. Clear Trash and RESTART. After Login install everything again (drag kicad App Folder to Applications) and my advice is to open the shown Application Support Folder and Drag the kicad Folder shown, directly in that newly openend Window. It will ask für Administrator Privileges. Grant and let the Files copy.
That’s it. From now on it works.

I think that Big Sur is very picky when changing folder structures in special System Folders. In other Projects i saw that big Sur accepted changes of rights only after a restart. So sometimes the old saying still works “reboot is good” (“Reboot tut gut”)…

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