KiCad not opening .kicad_mod

Computer - M1 Macbook Pro
Kicad Version - v8.0

Hi all, I’m having a problem with trying to open .kicad_mod libraries into the footprint library. When I try and add a new library they are all greyed out for me which isn’t something that I had an issue with in KiCad v7.

I’ve looked through permissions and can’t see anything that would be blocking the files. I also went onto the .kicad_mod info and changed the default program for these to KiCad however that did not fix the problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I really like the updates to KiCad 8 as it’s removed all the crashing issues I had previously.

I uploaded a screen shot of the problem where I’ve tried to add something to the footprint library. This specific model was downloaded from digikey with SnapMagic as the supplier of the symbol and footprint. The symbol worked fine and the download was marked as KiCad6+ so it should work with version 8 I would think?


.kicad_mod are footprint files.
Libraries are .pretty directories containing .kicad_mod files.

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Ah thank you I see I create a library and then I can see that I can add the .kicad_mod file to said library that is working for me. Thank you for the clarification!

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