KiCAD nightly lib's

Hi there,
Please correct me if wrong but I was under the impression that releasing nightly builds was to help the developers by finding problems with it. I’ve noticed that when I accept an auto install for Ubuntu 19.04 that all I’ve been getting lately is just KiCAD itself & NO footprints, symbols or 3d models, in fact the installs just trampled all lib’s. How can I run KiCAD-nightly without any libraries unless i go to the bother of locating them online & installing them & then remembering to make the files read only?


I think Ubuntu ‘regular’ just follows the Debian version which is usually way behind.

Not sure I answered this correctly after re-reading. I do the libs with ‘git’. Usually the instructions for the initial download is on the site. I have a script in the directory I run on occasion to keep it updated.

# Script to update Kicad Version 5 libaries from github

cd kicad-packages3D 
git fetch
cd ..
cd kicad-symbols 
git fetch 
cd ..
cd kicad-footprints
git fetch
cd ..

I installed Kubuntu 18.04 as bare as possible and then I installed the applications I wanted.
In the case of KiCad, I just installed the applicarion with no libs at all. In my opinion, installing separately the application and the libs is a nice feature.
I keep the official libraries under my /home/user directory in order to prevent them to be overwritten in case I do an apt-get install.

Also KiCad-nightly can be installed without the libs.
But be aware, 5.1.3 nightly will overwite 5.1.2 stable under ubuntu/kubuntu. It is a decision made by the packager.

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