That screenshot was taken after just starting the project manager. I have no knowledge of KiCad’s internals and don’t know which process does what.
After that I started both Eeschema and Pcbnew from the KiCad project manager, and they do not appear as separate processess in the system monitor.
However, if I close KiCad’s project manager and then start eeschema-nightly from the “start menu”, then I get two entries in the system monitor. One for “eeschema” and one for “eschema-nightly”.
It looks a bit weird to me.
At least for Windows there is still 32bit support.
Here is what I see:
Windows Task Manager
The (32bit) is only added to he “program.exe”, if its a 32bit program running on 64bit windows.
I am running Windows 8.1 64bit.
All other native 64bit applications don’t have that (32bit) addition in the
Task Manager.
Is it possible that you have downloaded and installed the 32-bit version even though you have the 64-bit installer in your file system? It has happened to me.
Thank you all for your ideas.
I decided to completely wipe my KiCad installation, and install new.
Maybe one of the updates in the past went wrong… I updated my installation since
2 years every month.
So I downloaded the latest installer kicad-r21422.51d445007f-x86_64
Now the problem is gone.