Kicad missing libraries


I am a bit newbie in kicad. I looked at existing kicad libraries, and I felt that something is missing. I found that many components are not there. even if I found that microchip library has one around 6 or 7 ics, and non of them are knows microcontrollers. I have seen turtorials that shows much more components, so I do not know what is wrong. I downloaded the latest version from your site yesterday.

I think that you just need to configure a specific library. Could you try from step 10 of this updated version of the tutorial ?

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@mamech There are actually quite a lot of microchip MCUs, but you need to add the MCU libraries, they are not in the default list. In eeschema, you need to go to Component Libraries, then Add component library file. Navigate to “C:\Program Files\KiCad\share\kicad\library” or equivalent for your install, and the microchip libs are there.

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yes now I could find the normal libraries of the broad components of microchip. but I wonder why I need to do this step? why kicad does not import all components that it has automatically?

Good question! The whole thing with library search paths, then a project list is all quite clunky. There is an issue with eeschema which is that part names can be ambiguous, so the search order matters. Hopefully that issue will be resolved and the setup improved like with the footprint libraries in a future version.

It is possible to configure the list of libraries you get for a new project by changing the project template file, I’m not quite sure how that works with the latest version.

found this comment helful, tx ~:"