Kicad looking for shared object files in wrong places

[Edit: including info about Kicad version, my system and install method]

I downloaded Kicad 5.0 rc2-22 and installed it via CMAKE, with NGSpice simulation enabled. My system is Fedora 28 Linux.

When I try some features, Kicad prompts me that it couldn’t find some shared object files.


I open Eeschema, select “place symbol” and click somewhere to place a component. It loads the component libraries, as can be seen in the first screenshot. And when it finishes loading these libraries, it opens a message box, shown in the second screenshot.

However, this missing file is located inside /usr/local/lib64. I suspect Kicad is looking inside /usr/lib64 and not /usr/local/lib64. What is the best approach to fix this problem?

Thank you in advance for your time

Paste the KiCad and system version information here. How did you install KiCad?

I’m sorry, that’s important information, and I forgot to mention. Thanks for your support.

Also remember this is a support form by users for users. Developers are reached via the bugtracker or mailing list. More details see: I found a bug. What now?

For self-compiled code you can always try running ldconfig as root, it may help for runtime linking problems.

I don’t think this is a bug. I have very little experience with software development. I’m only building from source because I want to use a Spice simulator with frontend integrated, in Linux. Probably I’m doing something wrong.

Thanks eelik, I’ll try that.

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