KiCad logo at Ucamco website points to dodgy domain

While looking at the Gerber specs at Ucamco, I noticed that the KiCad logo in the list of sponsors points to the dodgy website that doesn’t belong to any KiCad related entity. Someone should inform Ucamco to get it fixed. This is the page with the bad link:


No good contact info for web support so I’m trying ‘regular support’ in hopes they pass it on.
But the link? No surprise. :frowning:
http://www.kicad -

I see we have it censored.

Well, that attempt bounced because I’m ‘not a member of the group’. I’ll try sales. I doubt they bounce anything. :wink:

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I think Jean-Pierre Charras has contacts in Ucamco, he has always been the Gerber code maintainer

I sent an email too . . .


just checked, I got a reply

Good morning Simon,

Thank you very much for letting us know. The link has been changed to the appropriate **[]

Best regards,



Thank you. and up to 20…

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