j’ai un problème avec le logiciel KiCad , mon ordi n’arrive pas à télécharger les librairies , je ne sais pas s’il y’a une manipulation que je dois faire ou pas .
ça serai vraiment cool si quelqu’un pouvez m’aider .
I have a problem with the KiCad software, my computer cannot download the libraries, I don’t know if there is something I should do or not.
it will be really cool if someone can help me.
Thank you in advance.
There are some French speaking members but they may not be the best ones to answer the question. What version of Kicad and what OS are you using?
for what I could gather, you are having some problems with the libraries, take a look at this FAQs, you may find an answer there:
I do agree that posting the question in English would make it easier for more people to help him, however nowhere is it written that the forums are English only, moreover there a plenty of french speaking people around, posting to say “I will not answer you if you don’t write in English” doesn’t make much sense and seems mocking, maybe better not answer at all.
English is the preferred language but our goal is to help all those seeking help with Kicad. Many of our members are bi or multi lingual and offer help where they can. This is the ‘official’ view from the top as stated by our benevolent dictator @ChrisGammell who can correct me if I have this wrong.
Keeping everything in English does not only increase the amount of people who can help, but it also benefits most users who search these forums for answers later.
Just to today I got a badge for “Popular Link” for a post from 2019-06-10, which means that 50 people found that old thread, read it and clicked on that link.
@hermit hit the nail on the head. We don’t mandate English, but we will be subject to online translations otherwise. As @paulvdh said, there will be a larger amount of people who can directly help if it starts in English.
Joke translations into other languages aren’t necessary or helpful.
My native language is Dutch, not English and I guess that these days you can use a plugin for your web browser that automatically translates websites into whatever language you prefer. This also lessens the need to post in other languages, and using other languages may even make the use of such tools more difficult.
OUI les librairies officielles .
Enfaite je télécharge KiCad et j’essaye de faire des schémas et il me répond que les librairies ne sont pas chargées .
J’utilise la version 5.1.7 système d’exploitation windows7 .
J’arrive à télécharger KiCad mais j’arrive pas à faire des schémas ni de PCB.
Oui j’ai essayé à mainte reprise et le problème persiste toujours .
@Mamadou_Thiaw Peux-tu clicker sur “Preferences > Configure Paths…” (je ne connais pas l’equivalent en Francais) et envoyer un screenshot de cette fenetre ?
Voici a quoi ca devrait ressembler (ne fais pas attention a mes “Path”, ce ne sont pas les defauts):
J’ai pas pu télécharger les librairies mais j’en ai crée d’autres vu que de toute façon ce que je voulais faire n’existe pas dans les librairies de KiCad.