"kicad is already running, Continue?" Mac OS X 10.11 kicad 4.0.1-stable release


I get following error each time if I start kicad on Mac OS X 10.11: kicad is already running, Continue?. The problem is that actually it is not running.

Atleast ps aux | grep kicad did not show anything before launching it.

Well this is little nuisance compared to this that now I cannot open my schematic anymore. It says:


Schematic file '/Users/xxx/xxx.sch' is already open.

However I can open some older kicad projects that I have. Something happened to these particular project files. I might have hard rebooted mac while kicad was still open. Maybe there are somekind of lock files or something that are not cleaned up, because it worked nicely before.

Have you tried Utilities > Activity Monitor > Kill or force quit Kicad?

Funny thing is that it is not there, actually there is no kicad running. However for some reason it thinks there is.

At least the same issue is also documented by someone else, so it is not an isolated case: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cad.kicad.user/20452

I resolved the problem by using nightly version: http://downloads.kicad.org/osx/nightly/kicad-r6494.20160118-032857.dmg.
I just copied kicad to Applications and did not update kicad folder in Application Support.

This happens when KiCAD (or OSX) crashes and the lock files are still in place.

The fix is courtesy of IRC support: #kicad: < xzcvczx> the lock files are in ~/Library/Caches/kicad

IOW, run: rm ~/Library/Caches/kicad/*.lock
from a terminal to fix this.