Kicad from scratch, with web technologies

I’m a Kicad user for almost 2 years now and I regret to say that Kicad has some issues that can not be solved, IMHO. That’s why I propose another project, which will implement our expectations from Kicad:

You are welcome to create PR or open issues for the project blueprints (feature/design recommendations).


Dear(!) moderation, you shouldn’t touch my posts if there is no mandatory case to do so. Do not copy and paste my writings here or there (into my posts by editing them) because this will make me unable to update them officially in a single source. If you want anything to say, ask me, or post something here.

All Im gonna say is good luck


By “web technologies” does that mean it runs in a browser?

For another “I’m gonna write the best Open Source EDA tool from scratch” type project, there is

Yes, it will run in a browser, or on the desktop via electron, like Atom IDE.

I was not aware of Horizon, but it seems promising. At least got my attention by “Sane library management” tagline.

And what might these issues be?

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Given that someone has already decided not to contribute existing project and to branch out with a clean sheet, I would not be too negative, since it is not a loss to KiCad. I have been impressed with some projects that achieve good results quite quickly. Unfortunately there is the 80:20 rule, you can get to a reasonable level of functionality with not much code, filling out all the other details, special cases, workarounds for weird gerbers takes an inordinate amount of time.

At worst I guess the projects falters and maybe the devs help out with KiCad instead, or some useful ideas can be ported into KiCad. At best, there is a new tool available which might fill a niche.


When sourceforge first opened I was hopeful it would make it easier for people working on similar projects to pool resources. Alas, that was just another pipe dream. If you searched you could find all sorts of similar projects that were never much beyond a few lines of code. Legacy code can be a boat anchor or a foundation. Just depends on how you look at it I guess.

I don’t follow how that relates to my question.

It may not be too polite, but what is the purpose of your project? At the moment I see only a “list of regrets and wishful thinking”.
It also seems to me that you do not really know what the Github Issues are for. Especially issue #2. Even if you think that “(KiCad) Bugfixes take centuries” take a chance to inform the devs about them.


Sorry, by the time I end up editing my post I’ve switched gears sometimes. :wink: The ‘problems’ are listed on the github site he references. I guess the sourceforge reference was really about pooling efforts to solve those problems will ultimately be easier and be a superior project. As bobc points out, that clean slate gets messy fast. He also points out there is another similar project already on github, but just like on sourceforge, let’s start another one. So yeah, probably should have made this a new reply or replied to bobc.

Thanks, I did notice that the “issues” are documented on github after I replied to you. Many of them aren’t issues at all, many of the rest will likely be addresses by the next release. For any that remain the effort would be better spent on addressing them in Kicad. Especially since version 6 will likely be out before the first release of any new project.

Please see “What is wrong is with Kicad” section. You will find the reasons why I decided to create a new project, the contributions I made so far and what I think about some design problems.

“Use Kicad as is and do not request a feature (in capital letters)” would keep anyone out of any further contribution/discussion effort.

In addition, a web based tool can not be made with Kicad currently.

The readme is all about the purposes. Please let me know what I might possibly understand wrong.

[quote=“keruseykaryu, post:11, topic:8962, full:true”]

It also seems to me that you do not really know what the Github Issues are for. Especially issue #2. Even if you think that “(KiCad) Bugfixes take centuries” take a chance to inform the devs about them.[/quote]

You possibly jumped directly to “issues” page. They were stub at the moment, kind of “notes to myself”. If you would read the whole “Readme”, you would know that was “a feature that will be inherited from (thus accepted as a great feature of) Kicad”. There is nothing wrong with your navigation, again, they were too stub to be clear for now.

Kinda reminds me when I was on the gEDA list old whazhiznamz would ‘raid’ the list seeking to siphon off users and developers. I see it as bad form to come onto the Kicad list and disparage the product to try and siphon off resources. How much Kicad source are you planning on using in your product I wonder? The only reason that I wouldn’t recommend locking and or deleting this thread is that it will cause you more ill will than anything else.

Technically none of the current Kicad source code could be used in a browser application (directly). If you ask in terms of “algorithm”, well, time will show that.

siphon part…

Non sense.

It would be lovely if Kicad would solve these problems.

Is your question still valid or did the issues page satisfy so far?

[quote=“ceremcem, post:17, topic:8962”]
Non sense.
[/quote]You have no product so you aren’t looking for users. You say you aren’t looking to exploit the Kicad infrastructure to siphon development support. Why did you post? What am I missing?

I have a question: Who are you guys @Andy_P, @hermit, @1.21Gigawatts, @bobc? Would you mind introducing yourselves? Specifically I wonder any of you are paid developers or project associates of Kicad or not.

Non of them are part of the lead development team. (At least not that i am aware.) The lead developers don’t really use this forum that much. (They communicate via launchpad bug-reports and mailing list.)

They are however valued members of this community forum. And always willing to help users.

And guys (or gals) rember: keep it civil in here. No personal attacks!! (Otherwise we will need to lock this down for some time until you all cooled down a bit.)


I have no “such” product, you are correct here. But I have a stable codebase for this project, if you noticed in the Readme/technology section.

The purpose that brings me here is if there are any of “such unwelcome requests” that such a product should (like in SHOULD) have should be taken into account in the design time (now). Some features might be very hard to implement if they are not implemented in the design time. (for example the “class based design” feature)

And, I can’t be the one who thinks on such a project. I wonder if anyone interested in (already) might toss an idea, join the work or invite me to their project.

Nope. To be honest, I spend way more time here than my use of the program would warrant. There are some very knowledgeable people posting and I learn something from them every day though and that makes it worth my while to come back.

Perhaps my annoyance is that from my time with a local ISP where spammers personally cost me a lot of time and money. People who use up other people’s resources without regard to the cost to them. I have very low, well read NO, tolerance for spammers. Period. I’m sure you don’t see yourself as a spammer, but think objectively about it. You have a want that is different from the list owner’s want which is to supply support for Kicad. In my mind you are misappropriating his resources the same as any spammer would by shilling your product here. We don’t know you don’t have commercial plans for this. To me that would be the most obvious reason to go to a web interface.

You posted directly targeting Kicad users/developers. That is the only reason to post here. Not sure why you deny it above.